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eslint-plugin-ban – readme

# eslint-plugin-ban [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/remithomas/eslint-plugin-ban.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/remithomas/eslint-plugin-ban) [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/eslint-plugin-ban.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-ban)

> Allows you to bannish some methods or functions.. Inspired by [tslint ban rule](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ban/)

## Installation

You'll first need to install [ESLint](http://eslint.org):

$ npm i eslint --save-dev

Next, install `eslint-plugin-ban`:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-ban --save-dev

**Note:** If you installed ESLint globally (using the `-g` flag) then you must also install `eslint-plugin-ban` globally.

## Usage

Add `ban` to the plugins section of your `.eslintrc` configuration file. You can omit the `eslint-plugin-` prefix:

    "plugins": [

Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section.

    "rules": {
        "ban/ban": [
            {"name": "functionName", "message": "Prefer use functionName2"}

## Some examples

> An error
    "rules": {
        "ban/ban": [
            {"name": ["*", "push"], "message": "Prefer use es6 spread like [...items, newItem]"}

> A simple warning
    "rules": {
        "ban/ban": [
            {"name": "api", "message": "This function is deprecated, please use api.call()"}

> Multiple errors
    "rules": {
        "ban/ban": [
            {"name": "api", "message": "This function is deprecated, please use api.call()"},
            {"name": ["*", "push"], "message": "Prefer use es6 spread like [...items, newItem]"},
            {"name": "functionName", "message": "Prefer use functionName2"}

# Todo

- [ ] Possibility to add `error`and `warning` at same time

# Contributing

Please feel free to submit, comment anything on this repo :)